Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 11...what rhymes with 11?

Warning: This post contains some mildly gross content, so if you are eating while reading, I suggest you finish your food before continuing.

So I had mentioned how incredibly annoying Max is being at night (I didn't mention what I was thinking of doing to him because I didn't want to risk an animal rights activist randomly seeing this blog and trying to get me arrested for animal cruelty...)  However, I did risk waking up Gabe and locked him out of my room.  He meowed and banged on the door some, but I waited him out and he gave up.  For a while.  Gabe actually woke up at 3 and Max was banging on my door at the same time (I don't know if it was just a coincidence or not), but I went in to check on Gabe, and he wasn't just crying in his sleep...he was awake, so I walked quickly to the kitchen to get him some Tylenol and I flipped on the light as I entered the living room and luckily was looking down because I had to side step in order to miss the cat puke that was on the carpet!  (I warned you!)  Yesterday, for our Bunco game, I had bought a set of three curled ribbon bows to put on the Bunco hat.  I had them on the island in the kitchen, where I was going to glue them on the hat.  Well, I had to walk away a few times for Gabe and other things, and every time, Max would jump up and start eating the ribbons!  He loves ribbons and anything plasticky.  But he doesn't just chew them, he actually eats and swallows them!  And EVERY time he will puke them out (this has happened before, can ya tell?).  I ended up throwing all three ribbon bows away because Max ruined them, and they weren't sticking anyway.  I knew the puke would come, I was just hoping he could hold it in until Tim got back.  That was the ONE thing I thought about that I really really really didn't want to happen while I'm here alone.  I can't stand vomit of any kind, and it makes me gag if I look at it and it's even worse if I have to clean it up.  (And on a side note: Mitzi, your dogs seemed to puke EVERY time I dog-sat for you back when you were living in your old house)  I digress.  I decided to leave Max's mess for the night because I didn't feel like dealing with it, gave Gabriel his meds, and went back to bed.  Gabe went back to sleep quickly, but not before making me feel bad.  Once we put him down to sleep, we really try not to pick him up unless he has a dirty diaper or something.  And last night, he reached his arms up like he wanted me to pick him up.  :-(  I gave him a kiss, told him I loved him and walked out of the room.  I don't remember him crying after that, though.  When I went back to bed, I let Max in, but not for long because he started annoying me again with pawing at the night stand.  He'd walk over to it, meow, and then try to paw it, and I would hit him with my pillow, and he'd run away.  This occurred several times, and I would get up to try to get him out of the room, but he would run under the bed.  It's just a game for him.  Grrrrrr!  I eventually got him out and he stayed out until I was ready to get up.  I am so glad this is the last night I have to deal with that!! 

I did clean up the yucky stuff this morning, and luckily had an empty stomach, or else I may have been cleaning up my own mess too!  It was bad....

Because Gabe got to bed late last night, I didn't wake him up early to go garage sale-ing.  He didn't sleep extremely late, so after he ate, we went by a neighborhood sale, which did not impress me.  I did get an Infantino baby carrier for $3 (score!) that can hold the baby facing in or out and on your back, which is the only way Tim said he would wear one.  The weight limit is 22 lbs, so it probably won't work for Gabe anymore, but it will be good for the next baby.  Not that we're having another one any time soon! (At least not planning to!)  It's just that those carriers are so expensive, so this was a really good deal!  I also found one stuffed animal for my Sunday School class.  I really need wind up toys, but I don't know where to find them.  I looked on ebay and they had some, but they were weird colors.  But I may have to just get them.  
After that, we went to get the oil changed in my car, which didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would.  Plus, a man that was waiting on his car, gave me an extra coupon he had for $5 off!  So that was awesome.  
When we got home, I fed Gabe, and he went down for a nap.  This afternoon Gabe and I played, but he actually entertained himself for the most part.  He crawled off his blanket to try to get to the laptop and cord that was on the floor and so I decided to record him doing it again.  
Did you see him sit himself up???  That was a first!  So glad I got it on camera for Tim to see!  I don't know if it was a fluke because he hasn't done it again, but I thought it was pretty cool!  And, yes, the thud was him hitting his head on the laptop, but he's FINE. :-)  It didn't even leave a mark like his kitchen set did, when he pulled it down on his face yesterday... :-)

I am soooo glad Tim will be back tomorrow!  I can't wait to see Gabe's reaction when he sees his daddy.  I don't know if he is still at a point where it's "out of sight, out of mind" or if he is wondering where Tim is, but I know when he sees him tomorrow, he will be very happy!  Hopefully I'll get a good picture out of it.  And I am definitely glad I am not a single mother!  This is hard work!  I mean, it's not that HARD, but it's tiring, and it's very difficult to do other things when Gabe is awake, and when he's sleeping you just want to relax!  I am very thankful for Tim and all the help he is.  He has been very hands on since the day Gabe was born and I am really looking forward to seeing how this school year goes with all three of us being home together!  I'm so excited about being a "stay-at-home teacher"!  That's what I'm calling myself.  Every time I go to Wal-mart I am tempted to buy some school supplies like binders and folders and spiral notebooks, but I don't know what I am going to need.  I don't even know how many classes I'll be teaching and how to get organized, or what kind of paperwork I'm going to have.  If I was in a traditional classroom, I'd know what to do before school started, but I have no idea how similar or different the organization is for cyber school.  I guess I'll find out at training, so hopefully all the school supplies will still be around by then! :-)

Well, it's been fun!  (I don't know if I'll write a blog tomorrow, since Tim will be back)  I will try my best to keep this more up-to-date.  Maybe weekly?  Monthly?  Whenever I think about it and have something to write about?  Haha.

For now, enjoy some more of the pictures I took with Gabe on my laptop today:

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

You are crazy! And... I'm sorry about my dogs puking while you were watching them!! :)