Today marks 28 weeks!! I can't believe I'm in my third trimester already! I've really had an easy pregnancy so far (hopefully it stays that way through the delivery!). I felt sick and tired during my first trimester, but never actually vomited, and besides the one day of REALLY wanting a Bic Mac, I haven't had any strong or strange cravings. I went for a Glucose screening test a couple of weeks ago and it came back a little high, so I have to go next weekend to do a 3-hour glucose tolerance test to see if I have gestational diabetes. I feel Gabe move all the time, and see my stomach jump when he kicks. Tim has felt it once, but usually misses it. :-) Hopefully he'll get to feel it more as he grows. It usually happens really quick, and when I tell Tim and he puts his hand on my belly, he doesn't move again. Here is a picture of Tim and me from VBS where I dressed as "Pandamania Penny". This was the 2nd week in August, and the next picture was taken today.
On Wednesday night, Tim and I had our first of many pre-natal education classes at the hospital. It was C-Section night and we got to hear all about why they do C-sections and what the process is if you have to have one, and about the recovery process. We also watched a video of a C-Section being performed. It was pretty interesting, but made NOT want a C-Section! But it made me feel better to hear the nurse say that they only do a C-Section if something is wrong with the baby and it's not just something you do because you're tired of pushing or you want to be done quickly. I've heard a lot from people who are for natural childbirth that some doctors push for C-Sections because it's quicker and they get to go home faster, and it's more expensive. We also got to tour the Beginnings Maternity Center and see all the different places we'll go: triage, labor and delivery, and if we have to have a C-section, where that happens, and the NICU and regular nursery. Each woman gets a private room to labor and deliver and recover and they measure/weight/test the baby in the room and let you nurse the baby as soon as possible. There is also a bassinet in the private postpartum room and the baby only goes to the nursery if you want to get a couple of hours of sleep or if the nurses need to check something out. Otherwise, the baby is in your room at all times, which is really good.
School started on Monday, and we're off today and Monday for Labor Day. It is very exhausting traveling with my student all day in that big middle school. There is no air conditioning and we're constantly going up and down stairs to get from class to class. But on Wednesday I had a voicemail from the district saying that they wanted me to come in for an interview on Friday for a math position at the Citadel, which is for 9th and 10th grade. I went to that interview today and found out that there are actually 3 positions available at 3 different schools; 2 are contract positions and 1 is a long-term substitute position with the possibility of becoming permanent. The 3 principals were there: from the middle school, Citadel, and High School. The middle school position is for Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1, the Citadel is Algebra and Algebra 2, and the high school, which I think is the substitute job, is Algebra, Geometry and possibly some Trig. I think it went well, and they have to submit the names to the school board for them to approve them when they meet on Wednesday, and then I would start. I'm not sure if they offer the job before the names are approved...I'm assuming they call once the people are approved so I'm not expecting a call until next Thursday. I'm still waiting to hear from Agora Cyber School to see if they want me to come in for another interview. I emailed the person who had been emailing me throughout the process and let him know my situation and asked if they could tell me if Agora is still interested in me or not, but they are out of office until Tuesday.
On Wednesday night, Tim and I had our first of many pre-natal education classes at the hospital. It was C-Section night and we got to hear all about why they do C-sections and what the process is if you have to have one, and about the recovery process. We also watched a video of a C-Section being performed. It was pretty interesting, but made NOT want a C-Section! But it made me feel better to hear the nurse say that they only do a C-Section if something is wrong with the baby and it's not just something you do because you're tired of pushing or you want to be done quickly. I've heard a lot from people who are for natural childbirth that some doctors push for C-Sections because it's quicker and they get to go home faster, and it's more expensive. We also got to tour the Beginnings Maternity Center and see all the different places we'll go: triage, labor and delivery, and if we have to have a C-section, where that happens, and the NICU and regular nursery. Each woman gets a private room to labor and deliver and recover and they measure/weight/test the baby in the room and let you nurse the baby as soon as possible. There is also a bassinet in the private postpartum room and the baby only goes to the nursery if you want to get a couple of hours of sleep or if the nurses need to check something out. Otherwise, the baby is in your room at all times, which is really good.
School started on Monday, and we're off today and Monday for Labor Day. It is very exhausting traveling with my student all day in that big middle school. There is no air conditioning and we're constantly going up and down stairs to get from class to class. But on Wednesday I had a voicemail from the district saying that they wanted me to come in for an interview on Friday for a math position at the Citadel, which is for 9th and 10th grade. I went to that interview today and found out that there are actually 3 positions available at 3 different schools; 2 are contract positions and 1 is a long-term substitute position with the possibility of becoming permanent. The 3 principals were there: from the middle school, Citadel, and High School. The middle school position is for Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1, the Citadel is Algebra and Algebra 2, and the high school, which I think is the substitute job, is Algebra, Geometry and possibly some Trig. I think it went well, and they have to submit the names to the school board for them to approve them when they meet on Wednesday, and then I would start. I'm not sure if they offer the job before the names are approved...I'm assuming they call once the people are approved so I'm not expecting a call until next Thursday. I'm still waiting to hear from Agora Cyber School to see if they want me to come in for another interview. I emailed the person who had been emailing me throughout the process and let him know my situation and asked if they could tell me if Agora is still interested in me or not, but they are out of office until Tuesday.
You are sooo stinking cute as a pregnant lady!!! Wish I could see you in person, but thanks for posting the pic. I expect to see more and more and the weeks progress! Praying for your job situation. Love you!
I meant to say... "AS the weeks progress..." Ooops.
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