Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Well, lots has been happening, including both Tim and I getting some sort of stomach bug/flu thing last weekend, which was a blast! ;-)  Our place is slowly getting closer to looking like a livable space.  I took pictures of the decorations I put up but won't take pictures again until everything is done and presentable!
Tim has been going to lots of meetings and is getting started to plan things for the church.  The two of us met with Angie, who is working with the youth group right now, to discuss the future of the youth group.  She is really good at coming up with creative ways to make application points to the lessons, so she and Tim are going to work together with Tim giving the lesson and Angie coming up with a fun way for the kids to apply and discuss the lesson.  Youth group will be every Sunday night from 6:30 to 8:30 and we're also going to have youth praise band practice twice a month with them possibly performing for a monthly youth worship night.
I am still looking for a job.  One of the ladies of the church said she needs someone to take care of her elderly parents from 5pm to 1am Wednesday through Saturday, and I let her know today that I could do that except on Fridays because of a young adult small group that happens on Friday nights.  At least it would be something for now.  I also applied to Petco today, which I think could be fun.  So we'll see what happens.
I LOVE this website, JibJab, and the videos you can make, so I've made a couple and here are the links.  You'll have to copy and paste the first one into the URL bar, and you can just click on the second one:

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