Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Smorgasboard of Info :-)

I hope everyone had a good Christmas!  Ours was pretty good.  We spent the afternoon with a family from church and ate lunch with them and played pool and card games.  Then that night we went to see the movie The Tourist with Johnny Depp, and it was pretty good.  Tim said it was predictable but I didn't figure out the twist until the very end.
Last week Fox was premiering a new show that starts in January called Million Dollar Money Drop.  It was really interesting!  They had a couple on and gave them 1 million dollars in cash, in $20,000 bundles.  It's literally sitting in a pile right in front of them.  All they have to do is answer 7 multiple choice questions to keep it, and they have to risk all of the money on each question.  Once they are given the question, they have a certain amount of time to place the money on the platform of the answer they think is correct, and they can spread out the money and place it on more than one answer if they're not sure but they have to leave one answer choice blank.  Then the platforms of the wrong answers drop and they lose whatever money they put on those platforms.  Tim thinks we would do well on that show, so we looked up how to be cast for it, and we emailed our info.  They are finished casting for the first season, but if they get picked up for a second season, then they'll look at the entries.  The website said you have to live within driving distance of Los Angeles, but Tim told them how we drove cross-continent to move, and that we would be willing to drive to L.A. if necessary to be on the show! :-)  Maybe if the show is popular, by the second season they'll allow people from all over the country. :-)
Today was a very productive day.  I got my fingerprints and clearances for the school district.  I saw on the website for the Reading School District (which is different from the district I had an interview with a couple of weeks ago) they are looking for part time and full time instructional assistants.  After winter break I'm going to call and ask if their assistants get benefits and apply if they do.  We shall see.
Tim met with Shelley this morning and was told his official installation Sunday will be January 23rd, and Tim will be preaching.  A while ago Tim was ordained as a Christian minister by a general company he found on the Internet, but he told Shelley he would really like to be ordained by an actual church, so I think they are going to ordain him on that day as well.
I'm excited about New Year's Eve this year because we are in the Eastern Time Zone, so I get to see the big ball in New York drop LIVE!!!  One year I missed it completely because I was confused about the time change. 
I have registered and will be taking the 7 - 12 Math Content Knowledge test for the Praxis II on March 12.  I will really need to study hard for this one because it has Calculus, Trig, Discrete Math, and Matrix Algebra on it, all of which I have not seen or used in a really long time.  Tim says he can help me...hopefully I'll pass!  And then I can get my teacher certification in Pennsylvania and maybe getting a teaching job for next year.
Well, time to start dinner...yes, I'm cooking dinner!!!  Just spaghetti and meatballs...nothing special. :-)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Well, lots has been happening, including both Tim and I getting some sort of stomach bug/flu thing last weekend, which was a blast! ;-)  Our place is slowly getting closer to looking like a livable space.  I took pictures of the decorations I put up but won't take pictures again until everything is done and presentable!
Tim has been going to lots of meetings and is getting started to plan things for the church.  The two of us met with Angie, who is working with the youth group right now, to discuss the future of the youth group.  She is really good at coming up with creative ways to make application points to the lessons, so she and Tim are going to work together with Tim giving the lesson and Angie coming up with a fun way for the kids to apply and discuss the lesson.  Youth group will be every Sunday night from 6:30 to 8:30 and we're also going to have youth praise band practice twice a month with them possibly performing for a monthly youth worship night.
I am still looking for a job.  One of the ladies of the church said she needs someone to take care of her elderly parents from 5pm to 1am Wednesday through Saturday, and I let her know today that I could do that except on Fridays because of a young adult small group that happens on Friday nights.  At least it would be something for now.  I also applied to Petco today, which I think could be fun.  So we'll see what happens.
I LOVE this website, JibJab, and the videos you can make, so I've made a couple and here are the links.  You'll have to copy and paste the first one into the URL bar, and you can just click on the second one:


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Well, Tim and I finally made it to Sinking Spring!  Our trailer of stuff should arrive this morning, which is a day earlier than we were expecting which is great!  (It will be nice to have a bed and something to sit on!!)  We've been busy using our Christmas money to get things for our new place, including paint!  We painted our kitchen and bathroom yesterday and still have the bedroom and living room to do.  Pictures will be up on Facebook soon.  Max is adjusting well, I think.  Once we get all his stuff here and set up, hopefully he'll feel more at home. 
Yesterday morning Tim met with the preacher, Shelley, to discuss his job description, which still isn't set in stone yet because they want him to get a feel of what goes on at the church at first before he really jumps in.  Eventually he will be teaching and preaching probably about once every 6 weeks.  It's nice that he is giving Tim this opportunity to just be an observer right now, but at the same time Tim feels weird that they're paying him to not really do much right now.  He will be meeting with different people in the next few weeks to talk to them about what their vision is for the future and how to get things going.  He's also going to become involved in worship.
We have a busy several days ahead of us for this week: move our stuff in this morning, youth group tonight, young adult Bible study on Friday night, and I have a job interview on Friday afternoon!  They just called me this morning, it's for a special education aide at a high school.
So everything is going really well.  Moving is very overwhelming at first with all the things you have to do but we are very excited to be here and to get to know everyone at the church.