Monday, May 16, 2011

12 Weeks!!

Wow!  12 weeks pregnant!  I can't believe it!  Here is a picture of me taken yesterday (Sunday) at 12 weeks and 2 days!  Several of the girls at school today were rubbing my belly.  :-)  And the kids keep asking if it's a boy or girl.  I wish I knew!

In other news, GO MAVS!!!!  We're not afraid of no Thunder!  Shame on my brother for rooting for OKC, but he's always been fidgety when it comes to what sports team he roots for. (As far as college sports and basketball is concerned).  I just wish the games didn't start so late.  Game One is at 9 pm here, which is my bedtime.  I should be able to see the games online, but I don't know how long I'll be able to stay up to watch them. 

Tonight I am going to our church's Women's Fellowship picnic.  We are supposed to bring a side dish, and I made my grandma's Mexican Salad.  This is the third time I've attempted it, and it actually worked (before I always butchered the tomatoes, and then just gave up).  I bought canned diced tomatoes this time.  :-)  Hopefully it tastes good!

Toby has recently forgotten where he is supposed to poop.  He's been doing it on the carpet...coming in after his walk and doing it on the carpet!!  He'll do it overnight/early in the morning before we get up too, so we are putting him back in his crate.  Two nights ago he wouldn't stop barking, and I heard our neighbor man yelling very loudly, so I let him out.  I didn't know if he was yelling because of the dog, but I didn't want to take any chances of having an angry man at our door, so I just let Toby out of the crate.  Last night we moved his crate into our bedroom (from the kitchen) hoping it would prevent the barking and it did!  He whined a little, and scratched at the gate, but it was nothing that a few squirts from the water bottle wouldn't take care of.  :-)  And he pooped OUTSIDE this morning and this afternoon!  :-)  Although, he did pee on the carpet this morning before I got a chance to take him out...tomorrow I'll just leave him in the crate until the minute I'm ready to take him outside.

Only 18 more days of school!!!  I got a call from the Pennsylvania Dept. of Education today saying that I am being granted the 7-9 Math Certification because my degree program was middle level.  Even though I passed the 7-12 Math Praxis test, I have to fill out another form and give them another $100 to "add on" the 7-12 endorsement.  Stupid.  The lady even said that I don't have to take another test because I've already taken the 7-12 WHY DON'T YOU GIVE ME THE 7-12 CERTIFICATION?  Answer: Because they want to get as much money as they can.  It wouldn't be that big of a deal except the two math jobs to which I've applied require 7-12 certification!  :-/  So annoying.

Well, on that note, I hope everyone has a marvelous Monday (what's left of it!).

Friday, May 13, 2011


So you know how I said my doctor didn't do an ultrasound or listen to the heart beat or anything which I thought was weird?  Well, after reading online about it, turns out that's normal.  Most doctors don't do an ultrasound until 20 weeks (which is what my doctor is doing) and that's the only one they do unless there are problems.  I go back in 2 weeks and we'll hear the heartbeat.  Since there is a history of twins in my family I am anxious to find out just how many babies we're having.  :-)  Tim even said what if we have triplets because my family has fraternal and identical twins so I could drop two eggs, and then one could split?  Haha.  That would be crazy!  Highly unlikely, of course. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

First Dr's Appointment A Success...I guess...

Well, Tim and I went to our first doctor's appointment on Monday.  It was kind of a let down actually.  The doctor just did an exam and talked to us a little to answer my questions.  They didn't even confirm the pregnancy!  They told me I was 11 weeks and 3 days along, which I already knew, and confirmed my due date as November 25th soley based on the calendar, nothing medical.  No ultrasound, no listening to the heartbeat to make sure he/she is alive.  She said they do ultrasounds at 20 weeks, and I'll come back in 2 weeks and we'll listen to the heartbeat.  My friend Kristen, who is also pregnant, has had an ultrasound at every doctor's visit, starting at 6 weeks I think.  The last one she had showed that she is a little more farther along than originally thought based on the size of the baby.  So she's 12 weeks, and I'll be 12 weeks on Friday.  I did fill out a medical history form, but no one talked to me about it, and I didn't think to mention the history of twins in my family.  I guess at our next appointment we'll know if it's twins or not based on the heartbeat.  I will mention it and maybe get an early ultrasound.  They supposedly have state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment so why can't we use it??  I was really looking forward to at least hearing the baby.  How do they know that it's growing at the correct rate?  Maybe I'm farther along than I thought?  What if there is more than one baby?  It is frustrating, but the doctor was really nice so I didn't think of these things until we left.  There are 4 doctors in this practice so I may see a different one next time.  The one we saw on Monday doesn't do deliveries anymore, so whichever one of the other three is on call when I go into labor will deliver the baby.  I did get a bag full of information that I've been reading, including the 2011 Target Baby Catelog, which is awesome because that is where I want to register.  Babies 'R Us is just too expensive, and there's not a good Walmart close to us.  Target has lots of cute stuff and is kind of middle ground, price-wise.
So, hopefully we'll have more exciting news to share after our next appointment which is on May 24th.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Friday!

I am now 11 weeks along today!  Here is what has to say about my baby's development:

Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed. Her hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under her gums, and some of her bones are beginning to harden.
She's already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccupping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.

This picture is a 3-D ultrasound of an 11-week old fetus. It is also from  Hopefully I will have a similar picture after my appointment on Monday!! :-)
Last Sunday was "Youth Sunday" and the youth praise band led worship, and some of the guys led the prayer time, communion, and offering prayers and passed the trays, which was a first for most of them, and they did a very good job.  Tim preached on baptism, and did an excellent job, as usual.  This coming week, he is going to be leading the worship with Brenda, the piano player.  We are slowly transitioning to having more live instruments during worship.  Right now, it's just Brenda playing the piano, no one leading with a microphone and for half the songs, we sing along with a recording.  My preference is still a capella, but most of the members here do not have that type of backgroud and don't know how to sing in parts.

Only 25 more days of school left!!!  I'm really looking forward to the summer!  Our friend Angie's mom has a pool and Angie has said we can hang out with her there anytime we want and I fully intend on taking her up on that offer as much as possible!  I have applied to work summer school, which is only 6 weeks, half-days Monday - Thursday, but I haven't heard anything yet.  I don't know when they will be making their decisions about staffing.  I will be gone the first two weeks of summer school because I am going to Florida!!  My grandparents and aunt Mitzi are coming up June 18 and then they are going down to visit Jason and Melody the next week, and I decided to go with them! I will be there a week and a half, flying back on July 2.  Then, Tim and I will be in Ohio the next week with Shelley and Sally for the North American Christian Convention.  I am excited about this because one of the speakers is going to be Francis Chan!   It should be awesome!

There are two math teacher positions open in two other districts that I will be applying for.  It's a little confusing trying to get all the paperwork together because they both require proof of all the clearances from the state (child abuse, background check, etc.).  I haven't been having any "morning" sickness lately but I am still pretty tired when I get home, and haven't had the energy to figure everything out.  Hopefully  I can get it done today or tomorrow and get the applications in.  I found out after I applied to the last one that they actually don't have any vacancies right now; they are just accepting applications. 

The Mavs have apparently been doing well, up 2-0.  I haven't been able to see any of the games yet, but I should be able to watch tonight's game on ESPN 3 online, so that is exciting!

Gotta hope everyone has a great weekend!